136 Blackburn Road, Summit, NJ

Franklin Elementary PTO


Thanks a Minion!

minionthanksThe PTO gives “minions” of thanks to Rachel Callahan and Esther McNulty for pulling together this year’s Franklin Fair – we appreciate all your time and effort!  What a fun day!  Thank you to all the families that volunteered to make this event happen.  Our fair was a huge success and this ensures that next year, your children will experience the high quality author visits and assemblies that they so enjoyed this year!  Thank you all very much!!

The PTO also wishes to thank Amanda Grainger and Stacie Collins for researching, identifying and arranging so many wonderful assemblies this year – the most recent being Dancin’ with the Honeybees.  We realize you both have spent many hours finding these programs for the children of Franklin and truly appreciate all you have done to make this year so special!

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