136 Blackburn Road, Summit, NJ

Franklin Elementary PTO


Health Policies Reminder

schoolnurseLICE:  Please notify the school if your child has lice.  Summit has a nit free policy requiring all nits (eggs) must be removed prior to returning to school.  Students must be checked by their school nurse for clearance in order to return to school.

FEVER:  Students should remain home with a fever of 100.0F or higher.  All students are required to be fever free for 24 hours WITHOUT the use of fever reducing medications.  If your child is prescribed an antibiotic, a full 24 hours of the medication is required before returning to school.

RASHES and/or open or draining sores:  Students are required to have a doctor’s note for clearance to return to school.

VOMITING and/or DIARRHEA:  Students must be free from vomiting and diarrhea for a full 24 hours prior to returning to school.

Additional information can be found on the Summit Public School website, www.summit.k12.nj.us under the link “Health Services” or on the Franklin Health Office website www.summit.k12.nj.us/~azanelli.

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