136 Blackburn Road, Summit, NJ

Franklin Elementary PTO


Daily Archives: October 24, 2014

  Dear Parents, It has come to my attention that students are bringing caffeinated energy drinks and Gatorade (or other rehydration solutions) to school in their water bottles. In addition to being against our district’s nutrition policy due to their sugar content, caffeinated energy drinks are extremely dangerous.  The amount of caffeine per serving can result in heart palpations and a tachycardia (a rapid heart rate). Gatorade and other rehydration solutions are also high in sugar, sodium, and can cause vitamin toxicity in children. Rehydration solutions should only be consumed during periods of intense exercise. Energy drinks and Gatorade can increase a child’s risk for cavities.  Slipping the drinks over the course of a day, and bathing the teeth in sugar, can erode both teeth and gums. Please, only water in the water bottle. Thank you, Ann Zanelli, RNC, MSN, PNP Franklin School Nurse
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Dear Parents, As you may know, we are a “Character Counts” school.  “Character Counts” is a national character education program.  Its framework is centered on basic values they titled the “Six Pillars of Character.”  The values are: trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring and citizenship. Every Monday morning two students read a message related to one of these values. Below I share the message that on Monday will be read by two 5th graders – Colin Beatty and Rob Rewey. The message reads: It’s time for Halloween and tricks and treat and things that go bump in the night.  It’s a time when some people pretend that witches and goblins come out to play.  Maybe this is a good time to look at other things that might scare you, like a fear of asking questions in class or a fear of taking tests. Listen to these thoughts about fear from Dr. Herbert Frankenstein.  I meant, Dr. Herbert Fenterheim: The question is not whether you are frightened or not, but whether you or fear is in control … The correct thing to tell yourself is “If I do get frightened, I will stay in command.” In other words, what’s important is to […]
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