136 Blackburn Road, Summit, NJ

Franklin Elementary PTO



    The start of a new year is a good opportunity to revisit Franklin’s Parking and Safety procedures.  Keep in mind that these procedures were not implemented  to inconvenience parents; they are necessary for the safety of our children and other pedestrians.   Franklin Parking Rules
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All report cards have been distributed. Enclosed with your child’s report card was a letter from Julie Glazer, Assistant Superintendent of Schools, discussing the new report cards and encouraging parents to complete a survey. Please follow this link to Julie Glazer’s Report Card Letter and Survey.
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Just a friendly reminder that the the use of any of the kitchen equipment in the Franklin cafeteria, including the oven or stove, is not permitted at any after school functions without prior permission. Any questions, please contact Sue Thatch- sthatch@comcast.net
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse aliquet metus sit amet urna porttitor, eu mattis ante condimentum. Ut nunc metus, facilisis non adipiscing in, rhoncus eget quam. Nam quam eros, facilisis rhoncus vulputate ac, imperdiet id ante. Vestibulum sit amet vehicula velit. Phasellus tristique hendrerit consectetur. Donec tempus tempus faucibus. Suspendisse id venenatis lacus. Aenean ac sollicitudin mauris, in cursus orci. Aliquam eget luctus nisi, a vulputate enim. Phasellus cursus tincidunt facilisis. Praesent vitae felis ac eros aliquet fringilla fermentum eget mauris. Vivamus eu tempor urna. Donec vehicula ornare fringilla. Cras ut quam quis dolor imperdiet iaculis eu nec eros. Donec rhoncus congue nisi, quis pulvinar metus interdum quis. Morbi volutpat et quam ac tempor. Sed sed venenatis risus, mollis sodales leo. Aliquam ante tellus, malesuada vel libero at, suscipit pulvinar nisl. Donec sit amet suscipit est, in lobortis lacus. Pellentesque dictum lacus eget vestibulum lobortis. In lectus lorem, laoreet vel vulputate nec, pharetra in arcu. Donec mattis fermentum elit quis tempor. Ut elit velit, mattis sit amet tincidunt sed, suscipit non elit. Sed sit amet erat lorem. Quisque fringilla faucibus est in mattis.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse aliquet metus sit amet urna porttitor, eu mattis ante condimentum. Ut nunc metus, facilisis non adipiscing in, rhoncus eget quam. Nam quam eros, facilisis rhoncus vulputate ac, imperdiet id ante. Vestibulum sit amet vehicula velit. Phasellus tristique hendrerit consectetur. Donec tempus tempus faucibus. Suspendisse id venenatis lacus. Aenean ac sollicitudin mauris, in cursus orci. Aliquam eget luctus nisi, a vulputate enim. Phasellus cursus tincidunt facilisis. Praesent vitae felis ac eros aliquet fringilla fermentum eget mauris. Vivamus eu tempor urna. Donec vehicula ornare fringilla. Cras ut quam quis dolor imperdiet iaculis eu nec eros. Donec rhoncus congue nisi, quis pulvinar metus interdum quis. Morbi volutpat et quam ac tempor. Sed sed venenatis risus, mollis sodales leo. Aliquam ante tellus, malesuada vel libero at, suscipit pulvinar nisl. Donec sit amet suscipit est, in lobortis lacus. Pellentesque dictum lacus eget vestibulum lobortis. In lectus lorem, laoreet vel vulputate nec, pharetra in arcu. Donec mattis fermentum elit quis tempor. Ut elit velit, mattis sit amet tincidunt sed, suscipit non elit. Sed sit amet erat lorem. Quisque fringilla faucibus est in mattis.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse aliquet metus sit amet urna porttitor, eu mattis ante condimentum. Ut nunc metus, facilisis non adipiscing in, rhoncus eget quam. Nam quam eros, facilisis rhoncus vulputate ac, imperdiet id ante. Vestibulum sit amet vehicula velit. Phasellus tristique hendrerit consectetur. Donec tempus tempus faucibus. Suspendisse id venenatis lacus. Aenean ac sollicitudin mauris, in cursus orci. Aliquam eget luctus nisi, a vulputate enim. Phasellus cursus tincidunt facilisis. Praesent vitae felis ac eros aliquet fringilla fermentum eget mauris. Vivamus eu tempor urna. Donec vehicula ornare fringilla. Cras ut quam quis dolor imperdiet iaculis eu nec eros. Donec rhoncus congue nisi, quis pulvinar metus interdum quis. Morbi volutpat et quam ac tempor. Sed sed venenatis risus, mollis sodales leo. Aliquam ante tellus, malesuada vel libero at, suscipit pulvinar nisl. Donec sit amet suscipit est, in lobortis lacus. Pellentesque dictum lacus eget vestibulum lobortis. In lectus lorem, laoreet vel vulputate nec, pharetra in arcu. Donec mattis fermentum elit quis tempor. Ut elit velit, mattis sit amet tincidunt sed, suscipit non elit. Sed sit amet erat lorem. Quisque fringilla faucibus est in mattis.
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Find out if school bus transportation is available in your area
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    Just a reminder, you can still bring in Box Tops you’ve collected through June 18, 2014.   Congratulations again to Ms. Schwarzenbek’s and Mrs. Chambers’ classes for winning the major contests.   The Box Tops Marketplace which has been a great place to do much of your online shopping through the Box Tops for Education  program, will be closing July 31, 2014.  Any purchases made through the Box Tops Marketplace before July 31st will still earn e-Box Tops credit for Franklin, so don’t stop shopping yet. Tips to make collecting, clipping and submitting easier: Clip only coupons that have the words “Box Tops for Education” logo written on them. After checking to make sure coupons have not expired, place clipped coupons in ziploc bags and/or on Box Tops for Education Spring Collection Sheet. For both ziploc bags and collection sheets, remember to include the student name and classroom number to ensure that your class receives credit for the submission. Shop the Box Tops Marketplace where you receive e-boxtops coupons for every $10 spent at many popular retailers. These can be redeemed at time of purchase. Just follow the easy online instructions. It’s another great way to earn money for our school.   […]
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  Show your love for books by donating a ‘Remember Me! Book’ to FLIC …. Recognize and honor your child in honor of his/her graduation or birthday – and benefit the library at the same time – with a ‘Remember Me! Book’. Each book adds to the permanent collection and comes with a personalized bookplate; class-wide, library-time recognition; and your child’s picture on the wall of honor!! Students love it! Get started at Amazon by clicking on this link: FLIC Wish list.  As an added bonus, books purchased through this link will earn money for the Franklin PTO through our Amazon Affiliate program!  Books will be sent through Amazon directly to the school – just remember to use “Gift Options” to write a message for your dedication. Questions?  Want to know more about the program? Contact: Ms. Stochaj (lstochaj@fc.summit.k12.nj.us) or Nancy Priscu (npriscu@fc.summit.k12.nj.us).  
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Interested in driving on your child’s class trip or volunteering in some other capacity at Franklin? The Summit District requires that any parent responsible for students must be fingerprinted.  You will not be permitted to drive for class trips without being fingerprinted. The links below detail the process for parents that wish to be fingerprinted privately at their own convenience. If you have any questions about this process, please contact Valerie Bampe in Summit’s Department of Resources at (908) 918-2100 ext.3208.   Volunteer Private Print Paperwork MORPHOTRAK Volunteer Fingerprint Procedures Sagem Morpho form 26 DISTRICT_VOLUNTEER IN CASE OF EMERGENCY FORM
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Join us!  It costs just $10 to join the Franklin PTO.  Membership in the PTO enables you to become an active part of all the special things that go on within the Franklin community.  You can vote at General Meetings and you can also chair a committee; meanwhile your membership fee will be used to finance the wide range of programs and activities that we run. Did you know that the Franklin PTO is a 501(c) organization? We urge you to consider making a charitable gift for the benefit of our students. Please contact Membership Chair, Jennifer Hoffman at jenniferhoffman1@yahoo.com to make your donation for 2013/14. PTO Membership letter 2013
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Dear Franklin Families and Students, On behalf of the Franklin PTO Executive Board, we would like to welcome our returning Families back to Franklin and extend a warm welcome to our new Families. We hope that you had a wonderful summer! As a reminder, the first day of school is Wednesday, September 4, 2013. Students should arrive at school by 8:15 AM. Grades should line up as follows: 1st Grade-Front door 2nd & 4th Grades-Side door by Warwick Road 3rd Grade-Library door 5th Grade-Door by the back playground New Families will receive their back-to-school packets before school starts. For returning Families, back-to-school packets will go home with students on the first day of school. Please note (and adhere to) the due dates for the forms to be returned to school. A school phone directory will be handed out to all students early in the school year.   Additional copies will be available for purchase. Please come and catch up with old friends and make new friends at Franklin’s Welcome Back Coffee scheduled for the first morning of school, Wednesday, Sept. 4th at 8:30 AM.  Siblings are always welcome. See you there! Please mark your calendars for Back-to-School Night on Wednesday, Sept. 11th at 7:00 […]
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Dear New Franklin Families and Students, On behalf of the Franklin PTO Executive Board, I would like to extend a special welcome to all families and students who are new to Franklin School.  I hope that you had a wonderful and restful summer!As a way of integrating everyone into the Franklin community as quickly as possible, we will be holding an informal playground gathering for all new students on—- Date: Tuesday, Sept. 3, 2013 Time: 2:00 PM Location: Playground by Warwick Road The kids can enjoy ice cream popsicles and will have a chance to play with and meet new friends before the first day of school.  Join us if you can! Please don’t hesitate to contact myself or any member of the PTO Executive Board with any questions or issues. Susan Thatch ____________________________ PTO Executive Board Members: Susan Thatch: President,sthatch@comcast.net Pat Acevedo: Vice President,pat.acevedo@gmail.com Jean Looney: Treasurer,rjlooney98@yahoo.com Debbie Silberstein: Communications Vice President,  daznd28@gmail.com Donna St. Amant: Assistant Treasurer,dstamant@verizon.net Elsbeth Iannone:  Assistant Communications Vice President, elsbeth_iannone@yahoo.com Katie Darcy (Curran): Volunteer Coordinator,kpandd@hotmail.com
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President: Susan Thatch Vice-President: Pat Acevedo Treasurer: Jean Looney Assistant Treasurer: Donna St. Amant Communications Vice-President: Debbie Silberstein Assistant Communications Vice-President: Elsbeth Iannone Volunteer Coordinator: Katie Darcy Thank you all for stepping up to make next year’s PTO Executive Board Committee outstanding!
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