Mission Statement
It is our mission as a school community, with a commitment from students, teachers and parents, to provide a safe, peaceful, supportive and stimulating environment where diversity is celebrated, uniqueness of the individual is valued and high academic standards are maintained to ensure success for all students.
Be your best
Be a friend
Franklin School Contract
Franklin School is a peaceable, bully-free school that values and expects good character. The following is a list of standards that we expect our students to demonstrate:
Standards Examples:
We will:
Honor and appreciate differences in people Welcome new students to our school
Show respect for ourselves and others Say compliments to each other
Learn as much as we can Do all of your homework and schoolwork
Be polite and have good manners Hold the door for others, saying please and thank you
Be responsible for our behavior Tell the truth
Solve conflicts peacefully Use TAG (Tell the problem, Ask how to solve, Get help from an adult)
Treat people like we want to be treated Be kind to one another
Keep our school clean Keep your desk and classroom clean; Clean your area at lunch
In particular, we understand that the following unacceptable behaviors will result in the consequences listed below:
Consequences – Severity of the consequence will depend on the situation, behavior and the number of times it has occurred.
Unacceptable Behaviors Consequence
1. Fighting or physically hurting others 1. Talking to Mrs. Loor or using peer mediators
2. Using unkind, hurtful, or mean-spirited 2. Loss of recess time
words, name calling or lying
3. Making a mess and not cleaning up 3. Phone call to parents
4. Interrupting my own or another student’s
ability to learn 4. Community service in school
5. Bullying or threatening other students, 5. Meeting with Superintendent
harassing other students, serious offenses 6. Suspension from school
that disrupt our positive school climate
In addition to the school contract, we understand and support the district’s Zero Tolerance Policy and know that the above consequences can result from any action that is out of compliance with the district policy. We also understand that Franklin School is a bully-free environment and we will work together to stop bullying in our school.
T A G *
Tell the person what you don’t like about what they did.
Ask them “How can we solve this?”
Get Help
Tell an adult what happened