136 Blackburn Road, Summit, NJ

Franklin Elementary PTO


Daily Archives: June 11, 2017

Thank you to our generous Franklin community who baked, bought, and volunteered at the bake sale in honor of Detective Tarentino.  The sale was a huge success raising $2,608!!!  But wait, we didn’t stop there.  With a table full of leftovers, we brought them into town and continued the bake sale outside of Starbucks…. raising an additional $1,134.  That makes our grand total donation to the PAL Tarentino family fund = $3,742.  A big thank you to Katie Darcy, Jenny Birch and Sheila Cheney who organized the bake sale at Franklin.  A special thank you to Jessica O’Neill, Melissa Cooper, Alejandra Armijo, Katie Darcy, Line Barlow and Christie Engel who helped extend the bake sale into town.  In the true spirit of Officer Matt we shared the remaining baked goods with the police station, the fire house and the senior housing center.
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