136 Blackburn Road, Summit, NJ

Franklin Elementary PTO


Daily Archives: June 13, 2016

Dear Franklin Families, The end of our school year is right around the bend! Important events and information are as follows: Authors’ Teas: Our first and second grade teachers have planned these events to share highlights of students’ “published” works as young writers. We look forward to these celebrations with you. Teacher of the Year Recognition: Ms. Stochaj will be honored this Wednesday evening at 6:30 at SHS with a reception followed by formal Board of Education recognition. We hope that you can join us. Parent Volunteers Requested: We are very fortunate to continue to receive generous support from Central Office administration! Please email me if you are interested in either or both of these exciting enhancements: We have just received approval for a new gathering space that will serve as a Professional Development Center, Parent Meeting space, and Staff Lounge! A room will be fully renovated to suit these multipurpose needs and I welcome parents to join my staff committee, as decorating decisions need to be made prior to the end of this school year. Our first meeting will be this Wednesday at 3:00. We have also received approval for our play area blacktop to be repaved over the […]
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June 13, 2016 Dear Franklin Families, The end of our school year is right around the bend! Important events and information are as follows: Authors’ Teas: Our first and second grade teachers have planned these events to share highlights of students’ “published” works as young writers. We look forward to these celebrations with you. Teacher of the Year Recognition: Ms. Stochaj will be honored this Wednesday evening at 6:30 at SHS with a reception followed by formal Board of Education recognition. We hope that you can join us. Parent Volunteers Requested: We are very fortunate to continue to receive generous support from Central Office administration! Please email me if you are interested in either or both of these exciting enhancements: We have just received approval for a new gathering space that will serve as a Professional Development Center, Parent Meeting space, and Staff Lounge! A room will be fully renovated to suit these multipurpose needs and I welcome parents to join my staff committee, as decorating decisions need to be made prior to the end of this school year. Our first meeting will be this Wednesday at 3:00. We have also received approval for our play area blacktop to be […]
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