136 Blackburn Road, Summit, NJ

Franklin Elementary PTO


Daily Archives: October 19, 2014

The Common Council is tracking the growing number of signatures on the petition to remove voting from Summit Public Schools. Additionally, council members weigh letters from their constituents very heavily. If you support moving voting out of Summit Public Schools, please send a letter to the Mayor and members of Common Council. For your convenience, a form letter, requiring an update of your name, address, and the date is linked here and below. Email your letter to the addresses below. Thank you for your continued support. To use the form letter, please follow these steps: Download the letter from Dropbox at this link.  Click the link and Dropbox will display a copy of the letter.  You must click the blue “download” button on the top right-hand corner of Dropbox and select “Direct Download” in order to make edits. Open the downloaded letter in Word Click in the grey highlighted areas to add your name (both top and bottom) and  address. From Word, you can email the file directly by choosing File>>Share>>Email As Attachment, (or you can save the file to your computer and email as an attachment in the traditional way.) Select the group of email addresses listed above and […]
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