136 Blackburn Road, Summit, NJ

Franklin Elementary PTO


Daily Archives: October 30, 2013

    Just a reminder, you can still bring in Box Tops you’ve collected through June 18, 2014.   Congratulations again to Ms. Schwarzenbek’s and Mrs. Chambers’ classes for winning the major contests.   The Box Tops Marketplace which has been a great place to do much of your online shopping through the Box Tops for Education  program, will be closing July 31, 2014.  Any purchases made through the Box Tops Marketplace before July 31st will still earn e-Box Tops credit for Franklin, so don’t stop shopping yet. Tips to make collecting, clipping and submitting easier: Clip only coupons that have the words “Box Tops for Education” logo written on them. After checking to make sure coupons have not expired, place clipped coupons in ziploc bags and/or on Box Tops for Education Spring Collection Sheet. For both ziploc bags and collection sheets, remember to include the student name and classroom number to ensure that your class receives credit for the submission. Shop the Box Tops Marketplace where you receive e-boxtops coupons for every $10 spent at many popular retailers. These can be redeemed at time of purchase. Just follow the easy online instructions. It’s another great way to earn money for our school.   […]
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