136 Blackburn Road, Summit, NJ

Franklin Elementary PTO


Morning Drop-off Procedures

gi_77723_ps131849-alt1With the first two days of school behind us, the drop-off lane is sure to be busy this week! Please review this letter from our Principal regarding the Drop-Off Procedures for Drivers and Walkers and share it with any of your child’s caretakers. Remember, once your child has exited the car on his/her own, he/she will line up as follows: 1st and 2nd graders will enter through the main door and will NOT line-up outside, 3rd graders will line up by the black benches to the left of the main door, 4th graders by the library and 5th graders on the blacktop.

Morning Drop Off Guidelines for Drivers and Walkers
Dear Franklin Parents and Community,

We all share the same goals for drop off: to get to school on time, to get kids out of the cars safely, and to get to the next destination on time. The best way for all of us to achieve this is if we do our best to follow the same driving guidelines and the same walking guidelines (found at end of letter.) When Drivers and Walkers work together, the line will work safely and efficiently.

If you are driving to school in the morning dropping off a child in the immediate vicinity of the school –

  • Merge into 1 Car Line and 1 line only starting at the intersection of Blackburn Road and Valley View (see map below.) Maintain said singular line at the intersection of Blackburn Road and Blackburn Place.
  • Blackburn Road and Valley View Road drivers should take turns merging. Please do not drive ahead and make the car line double (or triple!) car width as you approach the school.
  • Blackburn Place drivers: Please merge taking turns with the Blackburn Road line, at the driveway by the field. Please wait your turn and do not drive around first person in line.
  • All drivers: Only merge in if the entire length of your car can fit. In other words, don’t pull half in with your tail sticking out. For those in line already, please provide adequate space.

Always avoid cutting the line when merging. When you cut in line it creates conditions that are unsafe. We realize that waiting in line seems slower that going ahead to an opening but ultimately, waiting in line will make everything go faster, safer.

  • Drop off only in the designated zone marked by the “Drop Off Starts Here” and “1st Car Drive to Here” signs. This is both a safety and efficiency request.
  • Do not drop your child off on the opposite side of the road.
  • Pull all the way forward to the car directly in front of you once you enter the drop off zone. (Again, do not jump ahead to an open slot.) Do not stop at the sidewalk entrance closest to your child’s door. Some mornings this will work in your favor, some not, but overall it will help all of us be safe and on time.
  • Remember, this is a “Kiss and Go” line! Kids need to be 100% ready to hop out (projects in hand, jackets on, lunches in hand) when it is your turn. All they should need is a kiss on the cheek and “I love you! Have fun today!”
  • Please do not get out of your car to help your child. If your child cannot get out on his/her own, please park your car in a designated parking zone and walk your child to school.
  • Once your child has been dropped off, stay in line and wait your turn to exit the drop-off lane (just like at Wilson.)
  • Move forward to the end of the Drop Off Zone and only exit the line at the end of the drop off area. This alleviates the chances of people pulling out into each other.
  • Exit straight on Blackburn. U-turns are illegal.

If you are walking to school and crossing at Warwick Road or Blackburn Road at Blackburn Place, please do your best to only crosswhen you see numerous children exiting cars in the Drop Off Zone. This helps the line move more efficiently, but more importantly it helps your child cross safely without risk of a car pulling into the intersection.

Please share these guidelines with anyone who will be driving or walking your child to school.

Some school staff, parent volunteers, and I will be outside to help ensure the line runs smoothly. Please contact me at dmirrione@summit.k12.nj.us if you have any questions.


Dalia Mirrione – Principal

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