Parent volunteering


Parent volunteers are the big reason our PTO can seamlessly run the many programs at Franklin throughout the school year. There are several opportunities for volunteering including but not limited to being room parents, assisting with the library, class parties, art in the classroom. Classroom teachers sometimes need parents' help to drive the kids for field trips etc. There are also bigger commitments like committee chairs for holiday shop, children's raffle and silent auction, parent producers for the annual musical and of course being a part of the PTO board.


The communication regarding how to get involved and opportunities to sign up are typically sent out in the PTO blast, so please make sure you are receiving those. Also feel free to contact Stephanie Sen or any of the board members to learn more.


Here are some resources for the paperwork you may need to complete for some of the volunteering opportunities.


- Summit School District Volunteering paperwork instructions - Criminal history record check and fingerprinting is required for volunteering positions that require a parent to be alone with a student without a teacher or administrator present. At Franklin, these activities include field trip drivers, musical producers/chaperones etc. Once you are fingerprinted, you are covered until your kids graduate from high school.

Driver Volunteer Form Required for volunteering to drive the students to field trips.


The above paperwork must be completed prior to volunteering.


Please return all documents to Valerie Bampe at the Board Office, 14 Beekman Terrace. Should you have any questions, please call Valerie at (908) 918-2100, ext. 3208.