136 Blackburn Road, Summit, NJ

Franklin Elementary PTO


PTO General Meeting-Concussion Management

PTO General Meeting 
Join us in the cafeteria on Friday, December 1st at 8:30am for a discussion about concussions with Overlook Medical Center’s Jessica Springstead, EdD, ATC.  She’ll cover topics such as:
1.  What is a concussion?
2.  What are the signs and symptoms of a concussion?
3.  Dispelling common myths about concussions.
4.  What role does neurocognitive testing play in concussion management?
5.  What does return to learn/life mean when you have a concussion?
6.  What does return play entail when you have a concussion?


Especially useful information for Parent Coaches! Younger siblings welcome to attend.  Coffee and refreshments will be served. 
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