136 Blackburn Road, Summit, NJ

Franklin Elementary PTO


Pomptonian April Newsletter

MenuDescriptionsDear Parents,
There is no school April 11th-15th for Spring Recess. Enjoy the extra time with your families!

What is The Farm Stand? Each day, our Farm Stand includes a wide variety of cupped fresh fruits and vegetables. A trip to Pomptonian’s award-winning Farm Stand is included in the price of each of our balanced meals for student to enjoy. Please encourage your child to choose two servings with his or her entrée each day to complete a nutritious meal.

This month’s Fruit of the Month and Vegetable of the Month are grapes and asparagus. Grapes come in many colors, including white, green, red, black, yellow, pink, and purple, although “white” grapes are actually green. Spanish explorers introduced grapes to America about 300 years ago, but there are actually more than 8,000 grape varieties from about 60 species. Asparagus takes three years to grow, from seed to harvest, although the growth rate of asparagus could reach as much as 1 inch per hour. When the weather is right, asparagus grows very fast, keeping farmers busy harvesting the spears daily if they want to keep them from turning into large inedible plants.

Pomptonian is pleased to be Summit’s food service provider, and we appreciate your comments and suggestions. You can reach us at Pomptonian@summit.k12.nj.us.

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