136 Blackburn Road, Summit, NJ

Franklin Elementary PTO


SEF Initiative: Classic Music in the Classroom

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Franklin School is proud to announce the recent launch of a new SEF sponsored program that will incorporate the beautiful sounds of classical music into your child’s everyday classroom environment this school year.  “Classical Music in the Classroom/SEF Initiative for Future Audiences” aims to present classical music in a positive and accessible way to our students while:

  • promoting creativity and cognitive function;
  • assisting teachers with classroom management; and
  • creating a future generation of classical audiences.

Each classroom received three compact discs:  Bach for Breakfast, Debussy for Daydreaming and Mozart for Your Mind.  Teachers have been provided relevant research and educational studies and have been guided in possible uses of each CD for different learning periods of the day.  For instance, Bach has been suggested for morning routine and settling in, Mozart for times of creative collaboration and Debussy for writing workshop or times of quiet, independent work.

Check your Wednesday folders for more information about how you can purchase the same music to play at home!  If you have questions about the program or would like more information, please contact:

Kate Polles at kpolles@fc.summit.k12.nj.us or Susan Yarad at syarad@verizon.net

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